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Tejas Guha
Research Assistant, Project 3

Tejas is an undergraduate student in the Electrical Engineering department at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently working on a project to correlate auditory effort with aging using heart rate variability calculated from artifacts in MEG data during speech processing tasks. His other research interests are in machine learning and signal processing, especially in application to robotics. He will be graduating in 2024 and will be pursing a Masters program in computer science after graduation.




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Rena Lee
Research Assistant, Project 2

Rena is an undergraduate student in the Hearing and Speech Sciences program with minors in Asian American and Disability Studies at the University of Maryland. She is interested in pediatric auditory development and vestibular impairments. She will be graduating in 2023 and hopes to pursue a Doctorate of Audiology after graduation






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Aakriti Mahajan
Research Assistant, Project 2

Aakriti Mahajan is an undergraduate student majoring in General Biology and minoring in Statistics at the University of Maryland. Her research interests include the use of auditory training to improve speech processing in older adults. She will be graduating in Spring 2023 and plans to attend medical school after graduation. 






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Tyler Przygocki 
Research Assistant, Project 2

Tyler Przygocki is an undergraduate pre-med student majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests include the effects of auditory and cognitive training on neuroplasticity in aging individuals. He will be graduating in the Spring of 2023 and plans to pursue an MD degree upon graduation.







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Trisha Reddy
Research Assistant, Project 2

Trisha is an undergraduate student studying Physiology and Neurobiology at the University of Maryland. Her research interests include neural plasticity and its relation to treatment methods for speech/auditory challenges. She will be graduating in the Spring of 2025 and hopes to attend dentistry school post-graduation. 








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Ariella Sapoznick
Research Assistant, Project 2

Ariella Sapoznick is an undergraduate student majoring in Hearing and Speech Sciences at the University of Maryland. Her clinical interests include cochlear implants and hearing aids. She specifically has an interest in working with people with disabilities. She will be graduating in 2023 and plans to pursue a Doctorate of Audiology after graduation.








Julienne Kasayan 
Research Assistant, Human Subjects Research

Julienne is an undergraduate student majoring in Hearing and Speech Sciences at UMD. She is interested in working with both younger and older patients experiencing hearing difficulties. She is graduating in Spring 2023 and is planning to continue her education by pursuing a Doctorate of Audiology.


Humza Nawaz
Research Assistant, Project 2


Rishabh Saha 
Research Assistant, Project 2

Rishabh is an undergraduate pre-med student studying Neuroscience and Humanities, Health, and Medicine at the University of Maryland. He will be graduating in Spring 2023 and plans to attend medical school so he may go into the field of Neurology. He is interested in the use of auditory training to induce plasticity in older individuals such that their auditory comprehension improves.