See below for general inclusion criteria of our study. A session with our audiologist is part of intake for all participants, at which time full eligibility will be determined.

Campus aerial viewProjects 2 and 3:

  • Age 18-30 or 65-85
  • Native speaker of American English, raised in a monolingual home
  • High school diploma/GED or higher
  • No significant neurological disease
  • Normal cognition and (corrected) vision as determined at your intake appointment
  • Normal hearing or mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss (age 65-85 only) as determined by our research audiologist at your intake appointment

Additional Requirements Specific to Project 3 (Speech and Cognition):

  • No psychotropic medication use
  • No known speech, language, motor, cognitive, or neurological disorders
  • No magnetizable objects in or on the body

Interested in participating? Contact us to get started!